My Pregnancy: 20 weeks and counting…

Today marks the halfway point – Woo Hoo!!!! I can officially say that in 20 short weeks this little bundle of joy will be making her debut into our wonderful world. Bye Bye party of two. We’re on the way to becoming a family of three in only five more months.

Now that we are have started the 5 month countdown, David and I are starting to ask each other a lot of questions about labor and parenthood. And to be completely honest, neither of us have the answers. When do we start child-birth classes? When do we take a hospital tour? How long are we going to be in the hospital post-labor? Who’s going to watch the nurses as they take the baby out of the room the first time to make sure they don’t switch her with another baby on accident? Who’s going to be allowed in the room during delivery? What’s the plan with family visits once we get home? Breastfeed or formula? Seriously, our minds are racing a mile a minute. I’m even starting to have weird dreams about being a mom and having absolutely no idea what in the world I’m doing. My mom says it will come to us naturally once she’s here, so that put our minds to rest somewhat. Thank goodness for speed dial. Our poor families will probably get a few late night frantic calls while we figure this all out.

Aside from all the worrying, I’m starting to re-think the whole “babymoon” idea. Initially, I said it would make more sense to save the money, but now that I’m feeling better and the feeling more stress related to renovating this house, I think a getaway may be just what we need. Nothing big, but somewhere we can drive and just get away sounds amazing right about not. The idea of being in a bikini on the other hand, does not. Ugh!

This week, we’ve finally decided on colors for the nursery and have our tasting with the caterer for the baby shower. It feels like things are finally coming together! I bought the cutest outfit for the baby this week (see how adorable it is in the pic below) and even though David and I couldn’t believe how small it is, I re-thought that comment when I looked at it and said, “something that big is going to come out of me!” Ouch! I’ll need to keep my mind off of that tidbit of information until I go into labor otherwise I’ll obsess over the potential pain.

Since I seem to get a second wind when it comes to cardio, I decided this was the week to push myself with trying to tackle longer runs. It’s crazy how one day I can do a 30 minute run easily, then the next day I can’t go longer than 5 minutes without needed a break. I’ve gone from avid runner to someone who feels like they’e never run before in her life. Needless to say, I miss my 10 mile runs, but I know I’ll be back to them once this pregnancy is over and the excess weight comes off. Maybe I should start planning my first post pregnancy race?


Baby Onsie!

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