My Pregnancy: 33 weeks and counting…

Here we are at week 33 and that sudden feeling of getting “big” has been confirmed by my doctor. In only two weeks time, my belly measured almost 4cm larger. Woah! Apparently Baby Brickhouse had a major growth spurt since week 31. She was so active during my doctor’s appointment this week that we had a hard time nailing down a consistent heartbeat (one minute it was in the 170s, the next it would be in the 150s). Lots of kicks and jabs, some actually hurt, but she is officially in the head down position getting ready for the big day to get here. At least we’re on the same page with being ready for this pregnancy to be over.
This week my cravings (and overall food consumption) have been out of control. I’ve never been so hungry in all my life! Fruit, particularly strawberries, is still my go-to and peanut butter has officially become my nemesis. It’s times like now that I wish my body wasn’t so sensitive to fat. BTW – who really uses only 2 tablespoons of peanut butter on a sandwich? That’s nonsense in my opinion!
Workouts are going great, which I’m excited about, especially since I know I’m in a growth phase. My original goal of 25lbs seems somewhat unattainable right now, but hopefully things will level out and I’ll stick close to that number. Anything under 30 is considered “healthy” so if I’m in that range I’ll be happy. After all, the most important thing is for this baby to be healthy and happy. I can get the weight off 🙂

Check me out at 33 weeks. Big difference since week 31…or so I think.



33 weeks pregnant

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