My Pregnancy: 8 weeks and counting…

Well, week 8 has set in and so have all the side effects of pregnancy. First of all, pregnancy is 10 months – not 9 like people always say. It’s 40 weeks of pure craziness. Ups, downs and everything in between. I’m not going to sugar coat anything this week, so if you don’t want to hear the down parts of pregnancy, skip ahead a few weeks!

This week seems to be showing me the not so wonderful effects of being pregnant.  I’ve heard about the “pregnancy glow” and how you pregnancy give you amazing hair, but that simply isn’t the case…yet.  Here’s a little sneak peek of what I’ve been experiencing this week:

* Morning sickness (make that all day sickness)
* Food aversions
* Moodiness
* Hormonal breakouts
* Constipation (YAY!)
* Low energy

Mentally I have gone from feeling sexy to not sexy at all, as the reality that life will NEVER be the same again has kicked in. I miss my weekend brunches with friends filled with mimosas and tequila, those spur of the moment vacations have faded, my workouts aren’t bringing me results I’m use to, and my hormones are completely out of wack. My skin is looking blah and I had my first mini break down brought on by feelings of not knowing if I’m “ready” to become a mother this week.  Silly stuff I know, but when it all comes at you at once it can be pretty overwhelming.  32 more weeks to go….

On the positive side of things,  Baby Brickhouse is gaining momentum and is now the size of a raspberry!  We had our second ultrasound this week and the babes is doing great.  Heartbeat was strong at 171 and we got to see a lot of movement.  I can’t believe I’m making a person.  Life is crazy!


Here is out week 8 ultrasound.  Baby is finally looking more like a baby then a tadpole:)


Week 8 Ultrasound



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