Are you sharing too much online?
The Internet is an amazing thing. Wether you are searching for information to complete your family tree or scouring the net for new, healthy recipes, you’ll most likely find anything you’re looking for. Unfortunately, the same can be said about a few things you may not want to find there as well.
As I spend more and more time on social media sites, I’m noticing that photographing every moment in life and sharing it online, for everyone to see, has become the norm. Long gone are the days when special moments in life are kept between two people. Today, it’s, “This was my lunch,” Working on my abs,” even “A pic of me in bed.”
Maybe it had to do with age, yes…I’m up there – lol, or maybe it’s just because I’ve been exposed to so much from so many people, but watching the life sharing online prompted me to write this blog.
When I first entered into the fitness world I told myself there were ground rules I expected myself to follow if I wanted to be successful.
1. Always do your research before committing to work on project, book a magazine or shoot with a photographer.
2. Keep your goals in line with the work you’re doing.
3. Be mindful of the people around you and how your actions affect those people – your friends, your family, and even professional acquaintances.
4. NEVER post anything online that could potentially come back to bite you – opinions and photos! Once on the web – always on the web. Photos can be a great motivating force, and can be a great marketing tool, but you never know what the rest of your life may lead to and if those images are something you’ll want accessible forever. As an employer, I know what negative search results can lead to.
Although posting personal things online seems innocent, there are people out there who DO NOT have your best interest in mind. With snag programs flooding the market, images can be easily ripped off and used for purposes not intended. Consider your options and make your decisions wisely. Heed the advice and warnings of those who are at the top of their game on this industry, like Jamie Eason. You only have one life, so live it to the fullest, but remember to protect yourself as you create a lasting fitness legacy that other will forever look up to.